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My interests vary and my style it is quite eclectic so pinpointing what influences me is a difficult task. I really am influenced by my childhood, culture, traveling, and I also learn so much from history in general. I believe we learn so much from history and unlike technology that improves with time, I believe design does evolve and people can improve but design in history doesn't stop being good design because its outdated.  We can still find great timeless design that continues to be great even as time goes on. We can learn so much from our graphic design history. I love antiques and I also love old packaging and art so I am influenced heavily by past graphic designers as well as modern and contemporary artists.



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If I had to pick a past influence for me it would be Bauhaus inspired design but if I were to choose someone in particular in this time period I would say I really love the graphic designer and artist Alex Yeske, past in-house designer for Madewell and current Art Director for Lou & Grey, another brand  I also admire. I really love the simplicity of her designs and there was one in particular that caught my attention in the past that spoke to me because of the simple yet modernly clean design of the typography that they utilized in packaging. The typeface and the words themselves really spoke to me and I could identify with every word. The brand itself is amazing and I feel like the marketing and graphic design sends the exact feeling you associate with the brand. The quality and feeling of the designs is also very much like the clothing and merchandise from the store brand. Alex Yeske has a beautiful and clean modern design while retaining an organic natural feeling. She continues this style with her aesthetically pleasing blog website named Dreams and Jeans. It is a collection what she is currently coveting and has much more than just beautiful photography and design, she also includes her love of travel and style. 

Click the link below to view Alex Yeske website

Alex Yeske

Artistic Influence 

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